英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:33:54
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1. terminate gradually

1. 逐步淘汰;逐步放弃
If something is phased out, people gradually stop using it.

e.g. They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out...
e.g. They phased out my job in favor of a computer.

1. 取消:首先,我要慢慢取消(phase out)所有实物信息传达物件,其实就是书和光盘. 这是因为突然发现所有英文中文最畅销书竟然都可以在中国网站免费下载,这使穷光蛋的我的读好书拯救自己的梦想得以实现-要不天天盯着那价格不菲的书网shopping list焦虑心疼.

2. 淘汰:经过冲击评估后的淘汰( phase out )重金属国家策略为以废弃掩埋方式取代回收处理 没有可执行的终端市场 电池收集、处理、以及回收费用 电池生产者必须筹备管理废弃电池收集、处理、以及回收的费用.

3. 逐步取消:逐步到位 phase in | 逐步取消 phase out | 抓大放小 seize the big and free the small

4. 异相;异相位:phase, opposite 反相 | phase, out- 异相;异相位 | phase, out-of- 异相;异相位

UK and France lobby to have safety checks watered down, while Switzerland moves to phase out its nuclear power plants.(随着瑞士决定逐步淘汰其核电站,英国和法国也提议淡化其核安全检查的资讯的透露,欧洲核能的不完善在福岛核危机之后暴露无遗。)
And, Hansen contends, the only way to do that is for the world to phase out coal use quickly.(并且,Hansen声称,唯一的办法就是在全世界范围内快速地逐渐淘汰使用煤。)
For those goods listed in Annex 2b, China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex.(对于附件2b所列货物,中国应根据该附件中所列时间表逐步取消在给予贸易权方面的限制。)
Several European states are slowing down plans to phase out nuclear power.(一些欧洲国家正在放慢逐步淘汰核电的计划。)
Germany, which had just opted to phase out nuclear power at home, joined the project.(当时已决定在本国弃用核能的德国也加入了进来。)
Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether.(现在,纽约州克林顿市的汉密尔顿学院表示将逐步取消奖学金。)
The requirement is to phase out coal emissions, if we want to be fair to our children and grandchildren.(如果想让我们的子孙享有更多公平,我们就要逐步停止燃煤排放。)
Germany and Britain have moved in recent months to reduce or phase out aid.(近几个月来,德国和英国已经准备减少或逐步取消对华援助。)
GM is still expected to phase out or sell most of its other poorly performing brands, including Pontiac, Saab, and Saturn.(通用预期仍将取消或卖掉大部分其他业绩不佳的品牌,包括庞蒂亚克、萨博以及土星。)
In Brandenburg voters threaten to phase out lignite mining.(在勃兰登堡,投票者威胁说要关停淘汰褐煤矿区。)
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